Saturday, October 15, 2005

Movie Review: Unleashed

O.K. for an action movie, better than many with respect to plot and emotional involvement - not that I would say it's terribly deep. It earned bonus points for featuring music and the piano as a foil to brutal violence. A particular Mozart sonata is featured in the film as part of a plot device, and in the last scene of the movie this piece is being played. But when the credits start rolling, the music switches to some lame1 techno elevator2 musak. It would have been so much more effective (as far as action movies go, anyway) to continue the Mozart into the credits. Tired. Sleep.

1. Is it appropriate to use the word 'lame' as a pejorative? It is (or was) also an adjective use to describe the disabled. 2. The techno-musak may have merit on its own, but not when you cut a Mozart sonata off midway through to play it.


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