Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Let's get it on!

I saw Runaway Jury a few weeks ago. It wasn't a bad movie overall, but that's not why we're here. This movie has an awesome fight scene. A woman is attacked by a man and she actually fights back. I don't think I've ever seen that in a movie, not counting action/sci-fi movies. It was refreshing and liberating. I was right, and all the other movies were wrong. Every time I watch a movie and a woman gets attacked my suspension of disbelief is totally wrecked. In most movies they just give up and the scene is done with. They just kind of whimper a little bit and then get 'captured' so the hero can rescue them. It's so frustrating to see a fight in a movie when you know a character could easily do reasonable things to survive or escape, but they don't because it's not in the script. When the fight scene in Runaway Jury began I was already rolling my eyes, waiting for it to be over with so I could find out what consequences the writer needed for the plot. But that didn't happen. The female character actually resisted her assailant and did everything in her power to try to escape harm. The conclusion of the encounter was believable because the characters realistically brought it about. Most movies treat these kinds of scenes as a tired formality, and they end up with nothing more than a blatant plot device1. These movies suck. 1. Then again, most movies are nothing more than tired formalities and blatant plot devices.


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